At East Lansing Chiropractic Clinic, we specialize in chiropractic treatments for all types of injuries and ailments. We can help repair disruptions of your body's nervous system, which in turn will lead to an increase in your body's ability to heal itself and stay healthy longer. If you've never experienced the healing powers of chiropractic, give us a call today to schedule your initial consultation. Our Chiropractors in East Lansing that services people in the Greater Lansing Michigan area, will give you a thorough examination and provide you with a treatment plan that's custom tailored to your particular needs and requirements.

Some of the areas we provide relief for include:

We also offer massage therapy and a free consultation, so feel free to call today!

Sports Injuries

Many amateur and professional athletes are sidelined with sports injuries that could be avoided. Some will sit out on the bench because their injury does not respond to ordinary treatment. Other athletes with sports injuries are playing, but at less than 100% efficiency, because their structural system is not balance.

Intelligent and progressive coaches, athletes, and doctors are realizing that pain-killing drugs are not the answer. They merely cover up the symptoms while making the athlete think they can play at 100% while these actions could make the injury more serious. East Lansing Chiropractic's approach to health closely relates to the needs of the sports participant. Most sports involve body contact, fast starts and stops, and positioning that places an unusual amount of strain on the back and structural system.

Chiropractic is a natural health care method that stresses the importance of keeping all the systems of the body functioning efficiently so the athlete enjoys peak performance, a minimum injury risk, and fast recuperative powers.

To make an appointment or set up a free consultation, please call us at 517-336-7711.

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Work Injuries

Is a work related injury preventing you from getting back to work? If you are injured while working, you must first appropriately report this to your employer. This action must be taken as soon as possible after the injury.

injuries on the jobis strain and sprain of the back/spine or repetitive motion injury. Most frequently the strain or sprain occurs in the lower back. Bending and lifting improperly are responsible for most of these cases, although neck and mid-back injuries can also occur in similar situations.

East Lansing Chiropractic's program of treatment provides effective relief for many work related injuries and requires no hospitalization, surgery, or medication.

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Auto Accident Injuries & Chiropractic Care

If you have been involved in a car accident, whiplash injuries need to be taken very seriously. Symptoms of a whiplash injury can take weeks or months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as injured as you really are. Too often people don't seek treatment following a car accident because they don't feel hurt.

By far, the most common injury to the neck is a whiplash injury. A rapid movement of the head causes whiplash, either backward, forward, or sideways, that results in the damage to the supporting muscles, ligaments and other connective tissues in the neck and upper back. Other accident injuries symptoms that can occur are neck pain, low back pain, headaches, TMJ pain, dizziness, and brain injury.

At East Lansing Chiropractic, our Chiropractors are experienced when dealing with auto accident injuries that need chiropractic treatment.

To make an appointment or set up a free consultation, please call us at 517-336-7711.

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Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is a natural treatment that fits in well with the current movement towards natural health, wellness, and an emphasis on prevention as well as rehabilitative health care. The ultimate goal of chiropractic massage is to alleviate any discomfort and quicken your return to your normal daily activities. Professional therapeutic massage improves muscle tone, increases mobility to injured tissue, and improves circulation, eliminates toxins from the body, relaxes the muscles, relieves pain, and reduces stress.

To make an appointment or set up a free consultation, please call us at 517-336-7711.

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Sprains and Strains

The body is meant to move. Muscles allow that movement to happen by contracting and making joints flex, extend and rotate. Muscles attach on each side of the joint to bone by thick bands of fibrous tissue called tendons. When a muscle contracts, it shortens and pulls on the tendon, which allows the joint to go through a range of motion.

A strain occurs when the muscle tendon unit is stretched or torn. The most common reason is the overuse and stretching of the muscle in a repetitive motion.

To make an appointment or set up a free consultation, please call us at 517-336-7711.

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Shoulder and Neck Pain

Your neck and shoulders contain muscles, bones, nerves, arteries, and veins, as well as many ligaments and other supporting structures. Many conditions can cause pain in the neck and shoulder area. Some are life threatening (such as heart attack and major trauma), and others are not so dangerous (such as simple strains or contusions).

Most shoulder and neck pain results from injury to muscles and ligaments. The spinal cord, heart, lungs, and some abdominal organs also can cause neck and shoulder pain. If you are having shoulder and neck pain, contact East Lansing Chiropractic to get an exam before this problem gets worse.

To make an appointment or set up a free consultation, please call us at 517-336-7711.

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Lower Back Pain

Many things can cause lower back pain including; sports or work injuries, sleeping on a poor quality mattress, mowing the lawn or something as simple as picking up your baby or child 10 times a day can cause lower back pain. Whatever the cause is, lower back pain is usually caused when a ligament or muscle holding a vertebra in its proper position is strained. Vertebrae are bones that make up the spinal column through which the spinal cord passes. When these muscles or ligaments become weak, the spine loses its stability, resulting in pain. Because nerves reach all parts of the body from the spinal cord, back problems can lead to pain or weakness in almost any part of the body.

Low back pain can occur if your job involves lifting and carrying heavy objects, or if you spend a lot of time sitting or standing in one position or bending over. It can be caused by a fall or exercise. Our Lansing area Chiropractors are experts in lower back pain and can pinpoint your problem and get you back to a healthy and pain free state.

Back pain may occur when the muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissues of the back become inflamed as a result of an infection or an immune system problem.

If you have experienced lower back pain, give us a call to set up an free consultation at 517-336-7711.

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Pain in Legs or Arms

The cause of many instances of shoulder or arm pain is obvious. You do something to injure the arm or shoulder and immediately feel pain, such as in a sports injury or on the job injury. You may have broken a bone or dislocated your shoulder. Perhaps you strained tendons or ligaments by carrying too much weight for too long, by lifting something that was too heavy, overreaching or overexerting your arm-as when playing sports when you're out of shape-or by keeping your arm in an awkward position or even by sleeping on the shoulder. The resulting pain may range from an annoying ache to an acute pain that makes it hard for you to use the injured arm.

Legs are generally abused from standing or sitting for long periods of time. It is important to stretch, massage, and incorporate joint movement to get pain relief. Our East Lansing Chiropractors will pinpoint the cause of the pain in your legs and arms and start a treatment program to help you recover and feel healthy again.

To make an appointment or set up a free consultation, please call us at 517-336-7711.

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Chiropractics is a form of manipulation therapy, meant to help treat a variety of different problems, from muscle pain to sports injuries to headaches brought on by stress. This is particularly useful for millions of people across the country that have to deal with headaches at one time or another. Chronic headaches can be a serious problem, affecting a person's ability to simply make it through the day, but utilizing the knowledge and resources of a chiropractor can help.

To make an appointment at East Lansing Chiropractic or set up a free consultation, please call us at 517-336-7711.

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