Welcome to the East Lansing Chiropractic Clinic. I am Dr. Limonoff and I have been a Doctor of Chiropractic since 1989. It has always been a pleasure for me to introduce patients to chiropractic care, and I thank you for visiting us on our website.
As an athlete at Michigan State University, I knew that proper function of the muscles and skeletal system were the keys to help prevent injury. At this time, I was introduced to chiropractic care and fell in love with the profession. Our main focus revolves around traditional family practice as well as sports injuries.
Dr. Jeffrey H. Limonoff Biography:
- Graduated Cum Laude 1989 from Palmer University, College of Chiropractic.
- Completed two year postgraduate course (1991) to become a Chiropractic Sports Physician through National College of Chiropractic / American Chiropractic Association Council on Sports Injuries and Physical Fitness.
- Member of the Michigan association of Chiropractic
- Past member of the American Chiropractic Association
- Married w/ 3 children
- Attended Michigan State University from 1983-1986 and played on the varsity baseball team at MSU 1983-84.
If you would like to make an appointment or set up a free consultation, please call us at 517-336-7711.